Cooking Italy!

The Cooking Italy group was founded by Angela of Spinach Tiger.  She is our gentle leader who selects the monthly recipe repertoire, taken primarily from Marcella Hazan's Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking.  Our other wonderful members span the globe, which leads to a rich and varied group.  Please visit their blogs to see other renditions of - Cooking Italy!

Angela of Spinach Tiger
Brandie of Reservations Not Required
Glennis of Can't Believe We Ate
Ivonne of Cream Puffs in Venice
Katy of Alphabet Soup
Kaye of In Kaye's Kitchen
Kayte of Grandma's Kitchen Table
Kristy ... Doesn't have a blog...yet...
Melissa of From Laptop to Stovetop
Shelley of Shelley Bakes
Tammy of Sassafras Café
Simone of Junglefrog Cooking
Sue of Couscous Consciousness